Introducing you to a different form of asset procurement we offer an alternative approach to used equipment - we make it work…
Turning used process equipment into modern pharmaceutical manufacturing solutions our aim is not to just sell second hand equipment but upgrade and refurbish it to bring it up to today’s demanding standards for cGMP, ATEX, CE, ASMI/29CFR1910 and ISPE Baseline guides to comply with European, American and Worldwide standards - meeting your expectations.
Full cGMP equipment at half the cost and in half the time offering real competition - now that’s something new.
With the rationalisation and consolidation within the pharmaceutical industry and high quality recent equipment being placed on the market why are more companies not looking at used process equipment?
The simple answer is business risk - here at Epsilon-Equipment we will show you how our total supply solution eliminate the risks and importantly provides a process exactly how you want it upgraded and compliant - no more second best.
You'll need to establish if used equipment is a suitable option for your project. We can help the decision process very early on, so you can decide if it's worth talking further. We can provide high-level assessments on condition and suitability.

Autoclaves | Blenders | Compactors
| Capsule Filling
| Containment systems
| Controls
| Fluid Bed processors
| Freeze Dryers
| Filter dryers
| Granulators HSM
| Mills
| Material handling
| Micronisers
| Wash in Place System
